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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

14 weeks and counting..

I feel like it was just yesterday when I took that pregnancy test and the positive line barely (and I mean barely) showed up. I, of course, had to take about 5 more tests over the next few days to confirm what I could not believe would be possible.

You see, I had resigned myself, literally, 2 weeks prior to taking this test that more children (biological anyway) were not in the cards for us. I felt God's peace surrounding me and I felt like I could finally stop grieving month after month that we were not pregnant. I decided that we would be foster parents or maybe adopt one day when we felt God place that desire in our hearts. I was sure that Braeden was the only child to grow in my womb and, if that was God's will, I was ok with that. 2 years of trying to get pregnant after losing a precious child is heart wrenching. I was tired of that pain. So you can understand how I could not believe that this was happening.

And yet, here we are...14 weeks pregnant.

I can already hear you now...yes, I know you can't see much. But, trust me, there IS a belly under there...my shirt is being generous enough to hide it today.

Don't believe me? Here is evidence taken just yesterday:

Yep, that sweet miracle is inside of me! 

And when I say miracle I mean a holy miracle of God Almighty. After 2 scares already this pregnancy, every day is a victory when I know this baby is ok! Only He is making any of this possible.

So, I trudge on through morning sickness and not being able to take any real medication because that sweet thing up there is worth it. (Note to fetus: Hey there, that thumb sucking sure is cute. But can you quit it when its time to exit mommy's womb? Don't need two doing that in the house! Thanks!)

I covet all your prayers. Love you!

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